Writer and Hooks

The tool comes with 3 basic hooks

  1. OnStart
  2. Writer
  3. OnFinish

Each of them is a simple lua function and might later move to go plugins if the need arises or if people would like to be able to talk to alvu in various languages.

Note: The choice of lua was made because it's easy to pass down new utilities to the language but then there's obvious cases where the language falls behind. (regex, string manipulations, etc etc)


This hook is triggered right before processing the files and it's going to get called just once per hook file, and as applies with other hook rules, these will be cascaded, so if you are working with writing and deleting files, please make sure you order the hooks with file names


The Scripting section, covers most of what this writer does but to reiterate, the Writer hooks are called for everyfile in the pages directory and allow you to manipulate the content of the file before it gets compiled


This hook is triggered right after all the processing as completed and the files have been compiled. This is primarily for you to be able to run cleanup tasks but is not limited to that.

Read the CLI reference →