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Quick Start

For the one's who already know the tool and wanna get started quickly.

You can get the CLI in the following ways

  1. You can get the binaries from the download section

  2. Using go get

go get -u
  1. Using goblin
curl -sf | sh

Once installed you can just run commitlog generate or the shorter version commitlog g to get all the changes between the recent tags.



commitlog simply exists because I wasn't able to find a decent enough tool to do this without being bound to a specific programming language and it's toolset. The closes one to this is the git's own shortlog and log commands


The installation is pretty straightforwad. You download the binary from the download section of this website or use something like goblin to build the binary for your specific system (rarely needed) since the releases actually accommodate the most used operating systems and architectures already.

Linux/Mac (Unix Systems)

Once downloaded, you can use the install command on *nix systems to link the binary to a location that's already in your PATH variable.


# install commitlog from current directory to the /usr/local/bin directory
install $(pwd)/commitlog /usr/local/bin

This should give you the ability to use the commitlog command anywhere in your system


Similar to the linux setup, you can download the .exe file and add it to a location that your environment path already has. An easier thing to do is to store the entire thing in your secondary partition and add that location to your PATH. You can use this resource from Java docs to help you with modifying the PATH variables


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commitlog is MIT Licensed and you can read the entire license in the source code